What is a Gay Mexico City Sex Party and Where can I Find One – 2024
Pornography . . . is profoundly and paradoxically social. But even more than that, it’s acutely historical. It’s an archive of data about our history as a culture and our own individual histories – our formations as selves . . . . Pornography is a space in the social imagination as well as a media form. – Laura Kipnis
Gay Mexico City Sex Party ‘s are a part of Gay life in Mexico City that I, as a foreigner, never thought to look for. Here in Mexico they are referred to in many ways such as, Orgyfiestas or Lugares del Encuentro. A Gay Mexico City Sex Party is a truly underground experience. They are located in discreet locations with few markings outside.
Sometimes not even the address is displayed. Inside is a social space simple in design but supercharged with gay male desire. A subject that is taboo in both American gay culture and Mexican as well. But only in Mexico does such a space exist to explore this desire in such a profound and erotic way.
These simple houses are normally two stories tall. Downstairs is a place to ‘check in.’ Check in consists of paying your admission, usually around $5USD and never more than $10USD, removing your clothes down to your underwear, placing your clothing in a laundry bag which is given to the staff and tagged with a number.
This number is written down on a plastic cup which you use to buy drinks on your tab. The first floor also includes a sitting area. A very social atmosphere is found on the first floor. Upstairs is much more sexual and far less social. Many people come with the intention of never going upstairs and just socializing downstairs.
The two floors balance each other out very effectively. While some come for the socialization and not the sex, others come for the sex only. These clubs accommodate both intentions very effectively. Sex is a constant unavoidable theme in gay life.
It is always there and it never goes away. And sometimes it can seem like the only thing that binds us. Navigating the social and the sexual is part of gay life that nobody tells us how to do and in Mexico these House Parties offer a space where this dynamic can play out on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. However much it interests you.
Gay Mexico City Sex Party concepts that will show you a part of the Mexican Gay Culture that will fascinate you for the rest of your life.
What stands out about Mexico City, above everything else is the size. There are just so many people and so many places to meet them. One of the most fun parts of gay life in Mexico City is chatting about the endless amount of underground sex parties.
Every time I walk to a gay man here the topic always comes up. Which place just opened up, which place just got shut down, where has a new concept popped up? As with any underground scene, most people keep up with things through word of mouth, which makes it difficult to just drop by during a vacation to Mexico City.
The Best 2 Sex Parties if It’s Your First Time
The following three Gay Mexico City Sex Clubs listed are my top three favorites. Each for its own reason. After I include three more newer locations that have done well since opening.
Sexto Piso
Eje Central Lazaro Cadenas 123
Twitter: @Sextopiso_mx

Sexto Piso is the newest place in town. It opened at the beginning of November 2022, and it’s already the talk of the scene. They have gone all out on marketing and their twitter is a must follow for anybody interested in seeing hot, sexually liberated, Mexican guys post pictures of themselves shirtless, naked, or actually having sex.
The word collaboration (colaboración or collab) is used much more in Spanish than in English. I personally love that word, and I think Sexto Piso is a fantastic example of how everyday entrepreneurial Mexicans can accomplish big things by collaborating together.
One of the collaborators of this club is a set designer for theater productions in Mexico City. This club has some of the coolest glory hole conecpts, dark rooms, lighted areas for filming sex/orgies, and even a replica of the last car of the Mexico City Metro.
The lines between cabina/sex party/club are blurred here. They call themselves an ‘Urban Park.’ You enter on the street and take an elevator to the 6th floor. You enter a bar area and at night there is often a dj and dancing. The bar has a balcony with amazing views of the city day and night. On the other side of the bar is the coolest dark room that I have ever seen.
There is always a crowd here.

3 Harder to Find Locations with an Underground Vibe
All the places listed below are less than one year old. They all popped up after the pandemic. At the beginning of this year I was busy visiting all of them and writing reviews. To be honest, none of them had much of a crowd at the beginning of 2022. After visiting all of the new ones I decided, one night, to go to El Chikro, one of the older more famous ones.
It was crowded and packed with hot guys. I had such a superior experience that I decided to delete all the new clubs and focus this post on the two most well attended and most famous of the clubs. This worked great all year, but just recently, the two most popular clubs closed down for different reasons.
The 4 clubs below are the new clubs which made it. Each of them now has its own following and they’re crowded every night.
Personally I believe that both of the older clubs will reopen soon. When they do I’ll put them back on the list, but I can say that the ones listed here are here to stay.
Orgy Tacubaya
Two room layout. One room has a bar and couches for socializing, the other is dark, with couches on the perimeter and is for fucking.
Very intense action to be found here as well as some very interesting conversation and interaction in the other room. The people who come to this club are quite no nonsense which makes for a great FWB and a great chat as well.
This place is crowded on Friday nights from 5 or 6ish to midnight. They usually close around 1 or 2 or 3. They are open every night and there are always people there, but in smaller numbers.

Harem Sex Room
Nogal 10, Sta María la Ribera, Cuauhtémoc, 06400 Ciudad de México, CDMX
Instagram: @haremsanto
An old neighborhood favorite, with a new location. This club has been moving all over this neighborhood since I moved to Mexico City in 2018. This is the third townhouse that this club has occupied.
If walking up and down stairs is not your thing you may want to look elsewhere. This new location has multiple levels with small winding staircases. When it gets crowded, walking up and down these stairs becomes an act of sex in itself.
The guys at this club are sexy.

Poseidon Club del Encuentros Gay